The View from Here

What is Occupational Therapy and what is it not?

What is Occupational Therapy? Does an OT do this? No, but I can check for normative range of motion in different areas of your body and I know what dysfunction looks like and when to refer you to Physiotherapy. Jenn, do you help me find a job? No. Some Occupational...

Fix My Kid!

  It starts with going to the Doctor - the feeling of not knowing what to do with your child, and needing to defer to someone else - someone with authority, someone with training to fix what is going on. We take our little babies and put them in the hands of people...

Written Statement of Information Practices

Collection of Personal Health Information We collect your personal health information directly from you, or from the person acting on your behalf. Examples of the type of personal health information that we collect may include, your name, date of birth, address,...

Who am I?

Who am I? What do I do? What is my role? I am part therapist coach confidant and friend. I am an outside opinion, a perspective shifter a knowledge seeker and giver. I am an advocate, a pot-stirrer, a power shifter. I don't like the status quo, the 'how it's always...

I want you to see other people…

I want you to see other people...So, you come to our OT assessment session, I ask you a lot of questions, take a bunch of information and we have an appointment to discuss the assessment results. Then I make a few referrals to see other practitioners. What!??? I want...

Blogging OTs and Free Handouts

Seems these days everybody and their uncle has a blog. And everyone has the answer to your question or the TOP TEN THINGS you need to know about....Yep, it's annoying.  Now, not all blogs are bad. Some serve a very good purpose and connect people well, and some give...

Who is Jennifer?

      I've been reflecting a lot lately on what has brought me to where I am in life right now, and how all of the roads I walked on have led me here.  Who is Jennifer?  Fun facts:  Born in Quebec Raised in Peterborough  daughter of a Contractor &...
